Me: What is that noise?

Me: ”What is that noise?” Customer: ”Hey Martinez!! I’m on the phone! Cut it out!” Me: ”What was that?” Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Customer: ”It’s from a device.” Me: ”What kind of device?” Customer: ”I don’t know.” Me: ”Like a fax machine or something?” Customer: ”I don’t know. Someone is under house arrest … Read more

Comments by Programmers when their programs don’t work

Comments made by Programmers when their programs don’t work: Strange… I’ve never heard about that. It did work yesterday. Well, the program needs some fixing. How is this possible? The machine seems to be broken. Has the operating system been updated? The user has made an error again. There is something wrong in your test … Read more


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