Girls say guys are jerks but there favourite artist is lil wayne
Girls say guys are jerks but there favourite artist is lil wayne
Girls say guys are jerks but there favourite artist is lil wayne
kn:the rock:who is that girl singing on the radio? girl: that is not a girl thats justin bieber
I like my girl to be Hannah on the streets but Miley in the sheets.
Nothing beats a beautiful girl with a great singing voice. Except Chris Brown.
Question: Why did the girl bring lipstick and eye shadow to school? Answer: She had a make-up exam!
Question: What do you call a girl with a Christmas Tree on her head? A. Carol.
Question: What kind of girl does a mummy take on a date? A. Any old girl he can dig up.
Question: What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus? A. ”I want to hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand.”
Question: What did the boy volcano say to the girl volcano? A. ”I lava you!”
Question: Why did the girl take a ladder to school? A. Because she thought it was a high school.
Question: Why was the girl staring at the juice box? A. Because it said: ”Concentrate.”
Question: What do you call a little girl in a brown dress who is running across a playground? Answer: A brownian motion.
What do ghosts say when a girl footballer is sent off ?Ban-she, ban-she !
A trucker stops for red light and a blonde girl catches up. She knocks on the door and the trucker lowers the window. The girl says: ”Hi, my name is Heather and you are losing some of your load.” The trucker ignores her and proceeds down the street, stopping for another red light – the … Read more
Why is an engaged girl like a telephone?Because they both have rings.
Boy monster: You’ve got a face like a million dollars ! Girl monster: Have I really ?Boy monster: Yes – it’s green and wrinkly !
She’s the kind of girl that boys look at twice – they can’t believe it the first time.
Fred keeps telling me that he’s going to marry the most beautiful girl in the world. Oh, what a shame! And you’ve been engaged for such a long time!
Girl: How much is a soft drink ?Waitress: Fifty cents. Girl: How much is refill ?Waitress: The first is free. Girl: Well then, I’ll have a refill.
Rigby drove into the city with his girl to catch their first play at a theater. Rigby rushed up to the box office and said, ”Gimme two tickets for tonight’s show.” ”Sorry,” said the box office attendant. ”There are no seats left. We have only two standing rooms left.” ”Well, I’ll be hog tied! Only … Read more
A little nine year old girl was in church with her mother when she started feeling ill. ”Mommy” she said ”Can we leave now?” ”No” her mother replied. ”Well, I think I have to throw up!” ”Then go out the front door and around to the back of the church and throw up behind a … Read more
Father: I want to take my girl our of this terrible math class. Teacher: But she’s top of the class. Father: That’s why I think it must be a terrible class.
First girl: I spend hours in front of the mirror admiring my beauty. Do you think that’s vanity?Second girl: No, it’s imagination.
Why did the girl who worked for the telephone company sing all the time?Because she was an operetta (operator).
A little girl and a little boy were at day care one day. The girl approaches the boy and says, ”Hey Tommy, wanna play house?” He says, ”Sure! What do you want me to do?” The girl replies, ”I want you to communicate your thoughts.” ”Communicate my thoughts?” said a bewildered Tommy. ”I have no … Read more
What happened to the girl who wore a mouse costume to her Halloween party?The cat ate her.
Why did the boxer date the pretty girl?Because she was a knockout!
What happened when the girl dressed as a spoon left the Halloween party?No one moved. They couldn’t stir without her.
Girl: Did you like that cake, Mrs Jones?Mrs Jones: Yes, very much. Girl: That’s funny. My mom said you didn’t have any taste.
What kind of girl does a hamburger like?Any girl named Patty!
Last night I dreamt I was dancing with the most beautiful girl in the world What was I wearing ?
Boy: You’ve got a face like a million dollars. Girl: Have I really?Boy: Yes ?it’s green and wrinkly.
The child was a typical four-year-old girl – cute, inquisitive, bright as a new penny. When she expressed difficulty in grasping the concept of marriage, her father decided to pull out his wedding photo album, thinking visual images would help. One page after another, he pointed out the bride arriving at the church, the entrance, … Read more
Why do we dress baby girls in pink and baby boys in blue?Because they can’t dress themselves.
‘What were you before you came to school, boys and girls?” asked the teacher, hoping that someone would say ”babies.” She was disappointed when all the children cried out, ”Happy!”
Q: How do you tell if an Arkansas girl is old enough to marry? A: Make her stand in a barrel. If her chin is over the top, she’s old enough. If it isn’t, cut the barrel down a bit.
A blond guy and a brunette girl were happily married and about to have a baby. One day, the wife started having contractions, so the husband rushed her to the hospital. He held her hand as she went through a trying birth. In the end, there were two little baby boys. The blond guy turned … Read more
A young teenaged girl was a prostitute and, for obvious reasons, kept it a secret from her grandma. One day, the police raided a brothel and arrested a group of prostitutes, including the young girl. The prostitutes were instructed to line up in a straight line on the sidewalk. Well, who should be walking in … Read more
Why are chorus girls like barge horses?They have to tow the line!
A guy goes to a girl’s house for the first time, and she shows him into the living room. She excuses herself to go to the kitchen to make them a few drinks, and as he’s standing there alone, he notices a cute little vase on the mantel. He picks it up, and as he’s … Read more
Girl: Mom, mom a monster’s just bitten my foot off. Mom: Well, keep out of the kitchen, I’ve just washed the floor.
A little girl was next in line. ‘My name’s Curtain,’ she said. ‘I hope your first name is not Agnate ?’ ‘No, it’s velvet !’
On the first day at school the girls were sizing each other up and boasting, trying to make good impressions on each other. ‘I come from a one-parent family,’ said one little girl proudly. ‘That’s nothing. Both my parents remarried after they got divorced. I come from a four parent family !’
One Halloween this woman opens her door to find the most adorable little girl, with golden blond curly hair and the biggest blue eyes. She was dressed as an Angel, and was just delightful. The woman said, ”what are you supposed to say sweetheart?” The little girl looks up at the woman and says ”Twick … Read more
A guy admired the hair of three girls. He walked by one and asked, ”How’d you get such lovely blonde hair” Taking her hand and gently running it through her hair, the girl answered, ”It’s natural.” The guy walked by the second girl and asked, ”How’d you get such pretty brown hair?” Fluffing her hair, … Read more
A guy goes up to this girl in a bar and says, ”Would you like to dance?” The girl says, ”I don’t like this song, but even if I did, I wouldn’t dance with you.” The guy says, ”I’m sorry, you must have misunderstood me, I said you look fat in those pants.”
A little girl climbed into her grandfather’s lap and studied his white, balding head. She ran her fingers along the deep wrinkles and road mapped his face and neck. ”Did god make you?”, she asked. ”yes” he answered. ”did god makeme, to?” she wondered. ”yes”, he replied. ”well, she shrugged, ”don’t you think he’s doing … Read more
Q. How did a blind girl burn her fingers?A. Reading the waffle iron
A fat girl went into a cafe and ordered two slices of apple pie with four scoops of ice cream cover with lashings of raspberry sauce and piles of chopped nuts. ‘Would you like a cherry on the top ?’ asked the waitress. ‘No, thanks,’ said the girl, ‘I’m on a diet !’
The Irish girl knelt in the confessional and said, ”Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.” ”What is it, child?” The girl said, ”Father, I have committed the sin of vanity. Twice a day I gaze at myself in the mirror and tell myself how beautiful I am.” The priest turned, took a good look … Read more