How does a ghost solve a quadratic equation?
Question: How does a ghost solve a quadratic equation? Answer: By completing the scare.
Question: How does a ghost solve a quadratic equation? Answer: By completing the scare.
Question: What did algebra math book say to the other? Answer: Don’t bother me I’ve got my own problems!
Question: What do you call a rodent with babies? Answer: A quad-rat-ic parent.
Question: What do you call a snake after it drinks three cups of coffee? Answer: A hyper boa.
Question: What do you call an algebra teacher who takes his vacations at the beach? Answer: A tangent.
Question: What do you call friends who love math? Answer: algebros
Question: What is a proof? Answer: One-half percent of alcohol.
Question: What is a smart bird favorite type of math? Answer: owl-gebra
Question: What is purple and commutative? Answer: An abelian grape Question: What shape is usually waiting for you at Stabucks? A. A line.
Question: How do you know that your dentist studied algebra? Answer: She said all that candy gave me exponential decay.
Question: What do you get when you cross a linebacker with a computer geek? Answer: A linear programmer.
Question: What do you get when you cross a mountain climber and a mosquito? Answer: Nothing! You know you can’t cross a scalar and a vector.
Question: What do you get when you cross an algebra class with the prom? Answer: The quadratic formal.
Question: What does Algebra and my dick have in common? Answer: They’re both hard for you.
Question: What does the little mermaid wear? Answer: An algae-bra.
Question: How can you predict how many protesters will show up at a rally? Answer: By using a radical function.
Question: How can you tell when a factorial is enthusiastic? Answer: It’s always enthusiastic- it has an exclamation point!
Question: How did the chicken find the inverse? Answer: It reflected the function across y = eggs.
Question: What is the definition of a polar bear? Answer: A rectangular bear after a coordinate transformation
Question: What is the hidden math term? BOLA BOLA Answer: Parabolas (pair of bolas)
Question: How can a fisherman determine how many fish he needs to catch to make a profit? Answer: By using a cod-ratic inequality.
Question: Who invented algebra? Answer: A Clever X-pert.
Question: Why are you drumming on your algebra book with two big sticks? Answer: Because we are studying log rhythms.
Question: Why are you so negative? Answer: Just take me for my absolute value!
Question: Why did all the apples in the fruit bowl know each other? Answer: They were core-relations.
Question: Why did the doctor send the expression to a psychiatrist? Answer: Because it wasn’t rational.
Question: Why did the imaginary number turn red? Answer: It ran out of i-drops.
Question: Why did the polynomial plant wilt? Answer: Its roots were imaginary.
Question: Why did the relation need a math tutor? Answer: It failed the vertical-line test.
Question: Why do you rarely find mathematicians spending time at the beach? Answer: Because they have sine and cosine to get a tan and don’t need the sun!
Question: Why is an algebra book always unhappy? Answer: Because it always has lots of problems.
Question: Why is the Rational Root Theorem so polite? Answer: It minds its p’s and q’s.
Question: Why was the matrix arrested? Answer: Illegal entry.
Question: Why was the student afraid of the y-intercept? Answer: She thought she’d be stung by the b.
Question: Why wont Goldilocks drink a glass of water with 8 pieces of ice in it? Answer: It’s too cubed.
Question: What wild animal is good at algebra? Answer: The tangent lion.
Question: What happened when the teacher tied all the kids shoe laces together? A. They had a class trip!
Question: What is a math teacher’s favourite dessert? A. Pi!
Question: What object is king of the classroom? A. The ruler!
Question: What tools do you need for math? A. MultiPLIERS.
Question: What’s the best place to grow flowers in school? A. In kindergarden.
Question: What did the math book say to the other math book? A. ”I’ve got problems.”
Question: What did the student say after the teacher said, ”Order students, order?” A. ”Can I have fries and a burger?”
Question: What do get when you cross one principal with another principal? A. I wouldn’t do it, principals don’t like to be crossed!
Question: What do you call a boy with a dictionary in his pocket? A. Smartie Pants!
Question: What do you do if a teacher rolls her eyes at you? A. Pick them up and roll them back to her!
Question: What flies around the kindergarten room at night? A. The alpha-BAT.
Question: What’s the difference between a train and a teacher? A. The teacher says, ”Spit your gum out” and the train says, ”Choo-choo!”
Question: What’s the worst thing that can happen to a geography teacher? A. Getting lost.
Question: When is a blue school book not a blue school book? A. When it is read!