Why did the man lose his job at the orange juice factory?
Question: Why did the man lose his job at the orange juice factory? Answer: He couldn’t concentrate!
Question: Why did the man lose his job at the orange juice factory? Answer: He couldn’t concentrate!
An American manufacturer is showing his machine factory to a potential customer from Albania. At noon, when the lunch whistle blows, two thousand men and women immediately stop work and leave the building. ”Your workers, they’re escaping!” cries the visitor. ”You’ve got to stop them.” ”Don’t worry, they’ll be back,” says the American. And indeed, … Read more
Why did your brother give up his job in the biscuit factory?Because he went crackers.
There was a huge fire at a big city soda factory. The city company was losing ground and the owner was frantic. He told the fire department that he needed a secret formula in the safe that was in the center of the blaze, and he would give 10,000 dollars to the department that got … Read more
A man who worked at a fire hydrant factory was always late for work. When confronted by his boss the man explained: ”You can’t park anywhere near this place!”
What happens when business is slow at a medicine factory?You can hear a cough drop.
Q.Why did the blonde get thrown out of the M & M factory?A. She kept throwing out all the W’s.
Q: Why did the Apatosaurus devour the factory? A: Because she was a plant eater!
Q: What job function does a blonde have in an M&M factory? A: Proofreading.
yo mama so stupid she worked at an m&m factory and threw out all the W’s.
Tyfus applied for a job in a factory. The company doctor who was giving him a physical asked, ”Have your eyes ever been checked?” ”No,” said the worker. ”They’ve always been brown.”
When did the Gorillas start to picket the cookie factory?The day they started to manufacture animal crackers!