Who loves hamburgers, French fries, and ants?
Who loves hamburgers, French fries, and ants?Ronald MacAardvark!
Who loves hamburgers, French fries, and ants?Ronald MacAardvark!
What are some outstanding hamburger colleges?Brandeis, Cowlifornia State, Hoofstra, Pen State, Ranchelaer Polytechnic, Burgereley and Moosouri!
How do you make a hamburger green?Find a yellow cheeseburger and mix it with a blue one!
When the crooked hamburger took it on the ‘lamb’, where did it go?Oh, ‘ewe’ know!
Q: Why did the T-Rex eat hamburgers? A: Because he is a meat eater!
Are hamburgers male?Yes, because they’re boygers, not girlgers!