Why can’t the government put Magic Johnson on a stamp?
Question: Why can’t the government put Magic Johnson on a stamp? Answer: Everyone would be afraid to lick it.
Question: Why can’t the government put Magic Johnson on a stamp? Answer: Everyone would be afraid to lick it.
What do you get if you cross two snakes with a magic spell ?Addercadabra and abradacobra !
This women had a magic morror from which anything you wanted you got,so one day she stood in front of the mirror and said I wish i had bigger breasts and it happened so then she ran down stairs to show her husband he was so amazed that he ran up stairs and stood infront … Read more
Q: Why do blonde nurses bring red magic markers to work? A: In case they have to draw blood.
The world’s most incredibly lazy man found a magic lamp. He rubbed it and a genie appeared and granted him three wishes. He wished for a horse, a sumo wrestler and a squirrel. ”They’re yours, but what are they for?” the genie asked. ”I’m tired of walking everywhere–I want to just ride the horse. The … Read more