What is the definition of a polar bear?
Question: What is the definition of a polar bear? Answer: A rectangular bear after a coordinate transformation
Question: What is the definition of a polar bear? Answer: A rectangular bear after a coordinate transformation
Question: What do you call a polar bear in the desert? A. Lost.
What do you call a gigantic polar bear?Nothing, you just run away!
A baby polar bear goes up to his dad and asks, ”Dad, am I pure polar bear?” The dad replies, ”Sure you are son. I’m all polar bear, my parents are all polar bear, your mom is all polar bear, and her parents are all polar bear.” Still unsure the baby polar bear goes to … Read more
Why is polar bear cheap to have as a pet ?It lives on ice !
Garvin the mammalogist, was in Alaska studying polar bear. In sub-zero weather, he would spend 7 days out on the ice. But, after his 7 days in the field, he would return to the small town and spend a day or two resting up and drinking in the only bar in town. On one particular … Read more