What’s the difference between a puppy and a singer-songwriter?
Question: What’s the difference between a puppy and a singer-songwriter? Answer: Eventually the puppy stops whining.
Question: What’s the difference between a puppy and a singer-songwriter? Answer: Eventually the puppy stops whining.
Why is it called a ”litter” of puppies ?Because they mess up the whole house !
Q: What is the difference between a liberal and a puppy? A: A puppy stops whining after it grows up.
There was once a puppy called May who loved to pick quarrels with animals who were bigger than she was. One day she argued with a lion. The next day was the first of June. Why ?Because that was the end of May!
What is a collie puppy’s favorite toy?A chew-chew train!
Q: What did the puppy say when he sat on sand paper?– A: RUFF!
What did the angry man sing when he found his slippers chewed up by the new puppy ?”I must throw that doggie out the window !”!
What’s the difference between a surgeon and a puppy?If you put a puppy in a room by itself for an hour, it’ll probably stop whining.