Why don’t tornadoes watch Bill O’Reilly on FOXNEWS?
Why don’t tornadoes watch Bill O’Reilly on FOXNEWS?-It is a no spin zone
Why don’t tornadoes watch Bill O’Reilly on FOXNEWS?-It is a no spin zone
A tornado is when Chuck Norris roundhouses someone to china and back.
A tornado walks into a bar and orders a Hurricane. The bartender asks why he is ordering a Hurricane when he is a tornado. The tornado responds with, ”I am a hurricane induced tornado”.
Why do tornadoes move so erratically?-They are dizzy
Why did the tornado get arrested?-For speeding, theft, vandalism, assault and murder
How can you tell if a tornado is stupid?-If it spins anti-cyclonically
There is no such thing as tornados. Chuck Norris just hates trailer parks.
Out in Kansas, tornadoes often hit with sudden devastation, and without warning. In one case, a house was completely whisked away, leaving only the foundation and first floor. A silver-haired farm lady was seen sitting dazed, in a bathtub, the only remaining part of the house left above the floor. The rescue squad rushed to … Read more
Q. What did one tornado say to the other?A. ”Let’s twist again, like we did last summer….”
Q. What do a hurricane, a tornado, and a redneck divorce all have in common?A. Someone’s going to lose their trailer…
What is the most popular game played by tornadoes?-Catch my drift
Q:What did the tornado say to the car? A:(‘You wanna go for a spin?’)
What do a hurricane, a tornado, a fire and a divorce have in common?They are four ways you can lose your house!
What game do tornadoes like to play?-Twister
That tornado damage your cow barn any?Dunno. Haven’t found the durn thing yet!
Where is a tornado put in jail to be punished?-In a high pressure cell