How do you stop an angry elephant from charging?
How do you stop an angry elephant from charging ?Take away it’s credit cards !
How do you stop an angry elephant from charging ?Take away it’s credit cards !
An angry wife was complaining about her husband spending so much time at the pub, so one night he took her along. ”What’ll ya have?” he asked. ”Oh, I don’t know. The same as you, I suppose,” she replied. So the husband ordered a couple of Jack Daniel’s and threw his down in one gulp. … Read more
An angry husband returned home one night to find his wife in bed with a naked man. ‘What are you doing’ he shouted. To which his wife said to her lover ‘See, I told you he was stupid’
Why was the skunk angry?He was incensed!
Why did the goal post get angry?Because the bar was rattled!
What does a spider do when he gets angry ?He goes up the wall !
What do angry rodents send each other at Christmas time ?Cross mouse cards !
What should you do if you find an angry 500-pound dog in your kitchen?Eat out.
Why can’t anyone stay angry long with an actress?Because she always makes up.
What did the angry man sing when he found his slippers chewed up by the new puppy ?”I must throw that doggie out the window !”!
If you make a cow angry, how will she get even?She’ll cream you!
The angry wife met her husband at the door. His breath stunk of alcohol and his face was plastered with lipstick. ”I assume,” she barked, ”there is a very good reason for you to come drifting in at six o’clock in the morning?” ”There is!” he replied, ”Breakfast.”
What does an astronaut do when he gets angry?He blasts off:
Why was the lady’s hair angry?Because she was always teasing it.