How do you make a blonde laugh on Saturday?
Question: How do you make a blonde laugh on Saturday? Answer: Tell her a joke on Wednesday.
Question: How do you make a blonde laugh on Saturday? Answer: Tell her a joke on Wednesday.
Question: Why won’t Obama laugh at himself? A. Because it would be racist.
Question: How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Answer: Tentacles.
Question: How do you make a skeleton laugh? A. Tickle its funnybone!
Question: I have four wings but I never fly, I never laugh and never cry. On the same spot I’m always found, toiling away with a squeaking sound. I turn but my body doesn’t move. What am i? A. A windmill that needs oiling.
Question: Why couldn’t the skeleton laugh? A. Because he lost his funny bone.
How do you make a Gorilla laugh?Tell it an elephant joke!
What do lightning bolts do when they laugh?-They crack up
Laugh and the class laughs with you. But you get detention alone !
How do you make a Gorilla laugh? Tell it an elephant joke! How do you make a green Gorilla? Cr
How do you make a blonde laugh on a Wednesday?Tell her a joke on a Monday!
Why do burgers laugh when you surround them with pickles?Who knows – maybe they’re picklish!
Customer: Waiter, this soup tastes funny. Waiter: So laugh, sir.
Q: Why will a blonde laugh at a joke three times? A: Once when you tell it, once when you tell her the punchline, and once when she gets it.
When do accountants laugh out loud?When somebody asks for a raise