How do you shoot a killer bee?
Question: ”How do you shoot a killer bee?” Answer: ”With a bee bee gun.”
Question: ”How do you shoot a killer bee?” Answer: ”With a bee bee gun.”
Question: Where do bees go to the bathroom? Answer: At the BP station!
What is a bee’s favourite classical music composer ?Bee-thoven !
Why did the bee started talking poetry ?He was waxing lyrical !
What are the cleverest bees ?Spelling bees !
What bee is good for your health ?Vitamin bee !
Waiter, there is a bee in my alphabet soup ! Yes sir, and I’m sure there is an A, C and all the other letters too !
What do you get when you cross a bell with a bee?A humdinger.
What did the bee say to the flower ?Hello honey !
How can you tell if a bee is on the phone?You get a buzzy signal.
What is the bees favourite film ?The Sting !
Who is the bees favourite pop group ?The bee gees !
What did the bumble bee striker say?Hive scored!
A bumble bee was chasing a rabbit. Finally the bee turned around and flew away. Why?The rabbit had two b’s already.
Why did the queen bee kick out all of the other bees ?Because they kept droning on and on !
What do you get if you cross a bee with a quarter of a pound of ground beef?A humburger.
What do bees do if they want to use public transport ?Wait at a buzz stop !
What did the bee to the other bee in summer ?Swarm here isn’t it !
What’s a bee-line ?The shortest distance between two buzz-stops !
How many bees do you need in a bee choir ?A humdred !
What’s the difference between a very old, shaggy Yeti and a dead bee?One’s a seedy beast and the other’s a deceased bee.
Did you hear the one about the Easter Bunny who sat on a bee?It’s a tender tail!
What do you get if you cross a bee with a parrot?An animal that’s always telling you how busy it is!
What does the bee Santa Claus say ?Ho hum hum !
Why do bees hum ?Because they’ve forgotten the words !
What do you get when you cross a bumble bee with a rabbit?A honey bunny.
What TV station do bees watch ?Bee bee c one!
What kind of bee can’t be understood ?A mumble bee !
What do bees chew ?Bumble gum !
What did the confused bee say ?To bee or not to bee !
Who is the bees favourite singer ?Sting !
How does a queen bee get around her hive ?She’s throne !
What did the spider say to the bee ?Your honey or your life !
What kind of bees hum and drop things ?A fumble bee !
What does a bee get at McDonalds ?A humburger !
What did the bee say to the naughty bee ?Bee-hive yourself !
What’s a bees favourite flower ?A bee-gonias !
First Caribou: What do you call a bee that can’t make up his mind?Second Caribou: A maybee.
Why do bees have sticky hair ?Beacuse of the honey combs !
Who writes books for little bees ?Bee-trix Potter !
What does a queen bee do when she burps ?Issues a royal pardon !
Why did the bees go on strike ?Because they wanted more honey and shorter working flowers !
Q: What kind of suit does a bee wear to work? A: A buzzness suit!
How do bees get to school ?By school buzz !
Who is a bee’s favourite painter ?Pablo Beecasso !
Where do bees go on holiday ?Stingapore !
Doctor, doctor I keep thinking I’m a bee Buzz off can’t you see I’m busy?
QUESTION: What do you get from a bee that has an udder?ANSWER: Milk and honey.
What does a bee say before it stings you ?This is going to hurt me a lot more than it hurts you !
Waiter, waiter, there’s a bee in my soup. Yes Sir, it’s the fly’s day off.