What has 3 teeth and 30 legs?
What has 3 teeth and 30 legs ? A methodone queue
What has 3 teeth and 30 legs ? A methodone queue
Why did batman brush his teeth with Crest toothpaste? To prevent bat breath! campaign970
Question: What is forty feet long and has eight teeth? Answer: The front row at a Willie Nelson concert.
Question: What did the werewolf eat after he’d had his teeth cleaned? A. The dentist.
Why is 4,840 square yards like a bad tooth ?Because it is an acre.
Fan: I’ve always admired you. Are your teeth your own?Actor: Whose do you think they are?
What did the Abominable Snowman do after he had had his teeth pulled out?He ate the dentist.
How does Snoop Dogg keep his canine teeth white?BLEEEEEE-YATCH!
What do you get it you cross a porcupine with a giraffe?A long necked toothbrush.
Patient:Do you extract teeth painlessly?Dentis: ”Not always, the other day I nearly dislocated my wrist
What did the tooth say to the dentist?”Fill ‘er up!”
‘Your teeth are like the stars,” he said, As he pressed her hand, so white. He spoke the truth, for, like the stars, Her teeth came out at night!
Mother: Has your tooth stopped hurting yet?…Son: I don’t know. The dentist kept it
Which two letters are rotten for your teeth?D K
Doctor, Doctor I’ve got bad teeth, foul breath and smelly feet. Sounds like you’ve got Foot and Mouth disease!
Chuck Norris brushes his teeth with a mixture of iron shavings, industrial paint remover, and boner-grain alcohol.
How can you get a set of teeth put in for free? Smack a lion!
What sort of an act do you do?I bend over backwards and pick up a handkerchief with my teeth. Anything else?Then I bend over backwards and pick up my teeth.
When do rabbits have buck teeth?When their parents won’t get them braces.
Why do you forget a tooth, as soon as the dentist pulls it out?Because it goes right out of your head.
Why does a vampire clean his teeth three times a day?To prevent bat breath.
What did the vampire call his false teeth?A new fangled device.
What happened when the slave put his head into a lions mouth to count how many teeth he had ?The lion closed its mouth to see how many heads the slave had !
Why are vampires like false teeth?They all come out at night.
What has teeth but no mouth?A comb or a saw.
Beatrice Lillie (Lady Peel) was once accosted by a haughty old dowager who scrutinized her through her lorgnettes. ”What lovely pearls, dear Beatrice,” she maliciously remarked. ”Are they real?” Yes, nodded Lady Peel. ”Of course,” the dowager declared, ”you can always tell real pearls by biting them. May I try?” ”Gladly,” Lady Peel replied. ”But … Read more
What did the mouse say when his friend broke his front teeth?Hard cheese.
What comes out at night and goes Munch, munch, ouch! A vampire with a rotten tooth.
Yo mama teeth are so yellow traffic slows down when she smiles!
Why are false teeth like stars?Because they come out at night.
How can you get a set of teeth put in for free?Smack a monster.
Why didn’t the monster use toothpaste?Because he said his teeth weren’t loose.
Patient to Dentist: ”How much to get my teeth straightened?” ”Twenty thousand bucks” Patient heads for the door. Dentist to patient: ”Where are you going?” ”To a plastic surgeon to get my mouth bent.”
Why is a toothless dog like a tree?It has more bark than bite.
What did one tooth say to the other?Get your cap on, the dentist is taking us out tonight.
This minister just had all of his remaining teeth pulled and new dentures were being made. The first Sunday, he only preached 10 minutes. The second Sunday, he preached only 20 minutes. But, on the third Sunday, he preached 1 hour 25 minutes. When asked about this by some of the congregation, he responded this … Read more
What happened to the man who put his false teeth in backwards?He ate himself!
What did the werewolf eat after he’d had his teeth taken out?The dentist.
Patient: Tell me honestly, how am I?Dentist: Your teeth are fine, but your gums will have to come out.
Chuck Norris grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.
What helps keep your teeth together?Toothpaste.
What did one tooth say to the other tooth?”Thar’s gold in them thar fills.”
Yo Mamas teeth are so yellow I can’t believe it’s not butter.
What happened when a man fell in love with a grand piano?He said, ”Darling, you’ve got lovely teeth.”
A man coughed violently, and his false teeth shot across the room and smashed against the wall. ”Oh, dear,” he said, ”whatever shall I do?I can’t afford a new set.” ”Don’t worry,” said his friend. ”I’ll get a pair from my brother for you.” The next day the friend came back with the teeth, which … Read more
What’s the difference between a vampire with toothache and a rainstorm?One roars with pain and the other pours with rain.
What’s the best thing to put into a pizza?Your teeth.
What do you get if you cross teeth with candy ?Dental floss !
Why did the termite eat a sofa and two chairs?It had a suite tooth.
Willie: ”I have an awful toothache.” Tommie: ”I’d have it taken out if it was mine.” Willie: ”Yes, if it was yours, I would, too.”