Knock Knock Who’s there ! Blood ! Blood who?
Knock Knock Who’s there ! Blood ! Blood who ?Blood brothers !
Knock Knock Who’s there ! Blood ! Blood who ?Blood brothers !
Q . what did the sign on the whore house say? A: Beat it we are closed
Knock Knock Who’s there ! Blur ! Blur who ?Blur, it’s cold and wet out here !
If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?
Who held the baby octopus to ransom ?Squidnappers !
What’s the ultimate rejection?When you’re masturbating and your hand falls asleep.
Which insect didn’t play well in goal?The fumble bee!
Q: How do you know you’re flying over Poland? A: Toilet paper hanging on the clotheslines.
Teacher : What is a comet ?Pupil : A star with a tail Teacher: Can you name one ?Pupil: Lassie !
Knock Knock Who’s there ! Butch ! Butch who ?Butch your arms around me !
Knock Knock Who’s there ! Amos ! Amos who ?Amos-quito!kn
Knock Knock Who’s there ! Abel ! Abel who ?Abel to see you, ha, ha!
Why did the idiot have his sundial floodlit ?So he could tell the time at night !
Why don’t sheep shrink when it rains?
Q: How do you electrocute a blonde? A: Tell her to demonstrate the proper usage of an electric chair.
What was Camelot ?A place where people parked their camels !
Knock Knock Who’s there ! Bless ! Bless who ?I didn’t sneeze !
Why did the blonde call the welfare office?She wanted to know how to cook food stamps!
Q: What do you call cheese that’s not yours? A: Nacho cheese!
Q. What do they call pastors in Germany?A. German Shepherds.
Where do Martians drink beer ?At a mars bar !
When fish play football, who is the captain?The team’s kipper!
Who was the most famous pirate octopus?Captain Squid!
When is a lion not a lion ?When he turns into his cage !
Why are there interstates in Hawaii?
Q: What do a dildo and soy beans have in common? A: They are both substitute meats.
How do you hire a teddy bear?Put him on stilts !
How do Filipinos count money?One-a, two-a, three-a, four-a, another-a …
Hear about the blonde that got an AM radio?It took her a month to realize she could play it at night…
What’s the national anthem of Puerto Rico?”Attention K-Mart shoppers…”
Knock Knock Who’s there ?Cliff ! Cliff who ?Cliff hanger !
Q: How do you get a Polak out of the bath tub? A: Throw in a bar of soap.
Q: Did you hear about the new blonde hoodlum? A: She runs around spray-painting her name on chain link fences.
Q: How does a horny guy spell relief? A: B-L-O-N-D-E.
Q: What is dumber than the Blonde jokes above? A: Me for wasting hours editing and typing these damn things.
Knock Knock Who’s there ! Cash ! Cash who ?Cash me if you can !
Q: Why doesn’t Saddam go out drinking? A: Why should he when he can get bombed at home?
Knock Knock Who’s there ?Cook ! Cook who ?Cuckoo yourself, I don’t come here to be insulted !
Knock Knock Who’s there ?Cherry ! Cherry who ?Cherry oh, see you later !
Knock Knock Who’s there ! Alva ! Alva who ?Alva heart !
How did you do in your tests ?I did what George Washington did ! What was that ?Went down in history !
Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
Knock Knock Who’s there ?Cigarette ! Cigarette who ?Cigarette life if you don’t weaken !
Q: What do you call a sleepwalking nun? A: A roamin’ Catholic!
Father: How do you like going to school?Son: The going bit is fine, as is the coming home bit too, but I’m not too keen on the time in-between!
Knock Knock Who’s there ! Arbus ! Arbus who ?Arbus leaves in 5 minutes ?
What does an octopus wear on a cold day?A coat of arms!
Knock Knock Who’s there ! Beef ! Beef who ?Beef fair now !
Q: What do blonds and spaghetti have in common? A: They both wriggle when you eat them.
Neighbour: Haven’t I seen you on TV?Actor: Well, I do appear, on and off, you know. How do you like me?Neighbour: Off.